ASCA Annual Conference Lexington , USA
Event date: November 30, 2022 at 9:00 am Event end: December 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Newly listed Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonAmerican Society of Consulting Arborists USA Company Name : Omni Louisville Hotel , Lexington, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : ASCA achieves its mission of elevating the practice and professionalism of consulting arborists through education, training, and outreach through a strategic plan that links Knowledge through education and expertise, Service to strengthen and sustain the organization and its members, and Marketing through brand awareness and promotion of its members. In additional the Society is actively working to define and plan for smart Growth in several areas. ASCA will execute these strategies in line with its values: Ethical Behavior, Professionalism, Environmental Stewardship, and Science-based Knowledge. ASCA is the pinnacle of professional d...