
Showing posts from October, 2022

ASCA Annual Conference Lexington , USA

Event date: November 30, 2022 at 9:00 am Event end: December 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Newly listed Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonAmerican Society of Consulting Arborists USA Company Name : Omni Louisville Hotel , Lexington, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : ASCA achieves its mission of elevating the practice and professionalism of consulting arborists through education, training, and outreach through a strategic plan that links Knowledge through education and expertise, Service to strengthen and sustain the organization and its members, and Marketing through brand awareness and promotion of its members. In additional the Society is actively working to define and plan for smart Growth in several areas. ASCA will execute these strategies in line with its values: Ethical Behavior, Professionalism, Environmental Stewardship, and Science-based Knowledge. ASCA is the pinnacle of professional d...

Milsoft Users Conference Dallas USA

Event date: June 12, 2023 at 9:00 am Event end: June 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Once in 3 years Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonMilsoft Company Name : Omni Fort Worth Hotel, Fort Worth, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : Milsoft Users Conference 12 – 14 Jun 2023 Omni Fort Worth Hotel, Fort Worth, USA The Milsoft Users Conference presents Milsoft and Daffron CIS software customers, great learning, and networking opportunities. Regardless of which Milsoft or Daffron solution you use, we will be ready to provide training that will maximize the application’s potential to its fullest. The training will make your job easier while bringing increased productivity and efficiency to your utility. You can also learn directly from your peers. Hundreds of cooperative and municipality employees across the country and world use Milsoft software. Meet the Milsoft/Daffron team and let us learn about you! ...

SCW Dallas MANIA Fitness Professional Convention & Expo Dallas USA

Event date: August 25, 2023 at 9:00 am Event end: August 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Once in a year Event Format : WORKSHOP Event Type : In-PersonScw Fitness Education Company Name : Dallas, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : Dallas MANIA® 2022 | SCW Fitness Education Online Shop August 25-27, 2022nNEW LOCATION Westin Galleria Dallas. Additional information. Florida MANIA(r) 2022. California MANIA(r) 2022. Atlanta MANIA(r), 202 [email protected. This 3-day Fitness Professional Convention is for group fitness instructors, personal trainers, aquatic exercisers, cycling teachers, mind-body experts, nutrition specialists, facility managers, directors, owners, and many more. * 150+ powerful workshopsn* 80 Hybrid Recorded Sessionn* 50+ Business Summit Lecturesn* 50+ Expert Presentersn* 15 Certificationsn* 3-Day Fitness Expon* 20 CEC/CEUs available: SCW. ACE. AEA. AFAA. & NASM. The Health & Fitness B...

IBARMS Conference, Colorado Springs, USA

Event date: March 23, 2023 at 9:00 am Event end: March 25, 2023 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Newly listed Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonIBARMS Company Name : Colorado Springs, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : IBARMS Aims and Goals Support the role of the IB Coordinator. Facilitate continuing program development, curriculum improvement, and curriculum implementation. Provide a network for collaboration among professional staff of IB Programs. Serve as a clearinghouse for ideas and materials relating to IB curriculum. Provide publicity of IB Programs and achievements of IB students within the region. Support programs that encourage interaction between IB students from the region. Provide support for developing IB Programs within the region. Foster recognition and understanding of the IB by North American Universities and Colleges. Act as liaison between IB and state boards of education within ...

Annual Hawaii Convention, Honolulu, USA

Event date: October 28, 2022 at 9:00 am Event end: October 30, 2022 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Once in a year Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonAnnual Hawaii Convention Company Name : Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Honolulu, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : The Hawai‘i Convention Center is pleased to welcome guests for indoor and outdoor meetings and events. Requirements for each event may vary. Please check with the event organizer on health and safety protocols. Today we take pride in celebrating World Mental Health Day 2022 by shining bright and raising awareness of mental health issues around the world. We’re proud to provide amazing experiences to the millions of people that come through our doors, which is why we’re making mental health and well-being for all a global priority. May today and every day be a day where we ban together to mobilize efforts is support of mental health. ...

Fluid Power Technology Conference Toledo, USA

Event date: October 12, 2022 at 9:00 am Event end: October 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- One Time Event Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : In-PersonWTWH Media, LLC Company Name : Macomb Community College, Warren, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : The Fluid Power Technology Conference brings together fluid power industry professionals and academics for in-depth programming including pre-conference workshops, keynote sessions, industry panels, hands-on technology demonstrations, and networking sessions. FPTC provides technical fluid power information to professionals who design, maintain, repair, and operate machinery and equipment powered by fluid power systems, both hydraulics and pneumatic. The events feature plenary sessions led by industry experts highlighting trends in the industry and an eagle’s eye view of where fluid power technologies are headed. In addition, industry instructors and manufacturing...

Northeast RV Show Jersey City, USA

Event date: February 17, 2023 at 10:00 am Event end: February 20, 2023 at 7:30 pm Frequency :- Once in a year Event Format : EXHIBITION Event Type : In-PersonMcCarey Exposition Management, Inc. Company Name : Rockland Community College, Mahwah, USA Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : General Time Zone : Invited to Exhibit: Area dealers of recreational vehicles or in the hundreds of related products and services used by RV owners. •  No labor restrictions: The arena will allow exhibitors to unload their exhibit materials themselves and to erect their own display. Management will have an official show decorator firm available for those who wish to rent booth furnishings. This option is solely at the choice of the exhibitor. •  Rockland Community College Field House: The arena is a 90,000 square foot heated, lighted comfort controlled indoor building where everyone parks free. There are no pillars or obstructions on the arena floor. Easy ...

Climate and Health for Africa, Washington DC USA Conference

Event date: May 22, 2023 at 9:00 am Event end: May 25, 2023 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Once in a year Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : VirtualClimate and Health for Africa Company Name : Washington DC Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : Time Zone : Climate and Health for Africa bring together scientists and policymakers from across Africa and North America. This conference aims to bring together climate scientists, health scientists and professionals, policymakers, and program managers to address the current status and future potential of climate-informed forecasts. Participants will discuss the extent to which the climate and health community can work together to advance health early warning systems. Categories

Patents & IP Summit, Washington DC USA Conference

Event date: December 7, 2022 at 9:00 am Event end: December 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm Frequency :- Once in a year Event Format : CONFERENCE Event Type : VirtualPatents & IP Summit Company Name : Washington DC Company Location : Event Privacy : Public Timings : Time Zone : Patents & IP Summit brings together in-house corporate IP and patent counsel to discuss the recent intellectual property and patent decisions and trends impacting a wide spectrum of industries, including the financial services segment. Hear updates on FinTech and emerging financial innovations such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies, NFTs, and virtual reality, gain insights into effectively addressing issues around data privacy, and determine actionable strategies to navigate the patent and IP landscape in a constantly changing environment. Categories