ASCA Annual Conference Lexington , USA
Event date:
November 30, 2022 at 9:00 am
Event end:
December 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Frequency :-
Newly listed
Event Format :
Event Type :
In-PersonAmerican Society of Consulting Arborists USA
Company Name :
Omni Louisville Hotel , Lexington, USA
Company Location :
Event Privacy :
Timings :
Time Zone :
ASCA achieves its mission of elevating the practice and professionalism of consulting arborists through education, training, and outreach through a strategic plan that links Knowledge through education and expertise, Service to strengthen and sustain the organization and its members, and Marketing through brand awareness and promotion of its members. In additional the Society is actively working to define and plan for smart Growth in several areas. ASCA will execute these strategies in line with its values: Ethical Behavior, Professionalism, Environmental Stewardship, and Science-based Knowledge.
ASCA is the pinnacle of professional development for consulting arborists, providing opportunity for differing levels of experience to engage, exchange ideas, and share knowledge. ASCA is proud to have a 90% member-retention rate and is committed to the promotion of its members and professional arboricultural consulting.
2022-2024 Strategic Plan
2022 ASCA Annual Conference
The ASCA Annual Conference is the industry’s exclusive event that focuses on providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to thrive as a Consulting Arborist. Not only will you be exposed to education you can’t find anywhere else, but you will also gain access to the best resources in the industry – our attendees. We look forward to getting together in vibrant downtown Louisville with two pre-conference workshop options, the main conference with education and networking, and two post-conference options!
Environmental Design – Basic Tree Anatomy Workshop
ASCA is offering TWO opportunities to participate in this renowned workshop, presented by Mark Hartley, Australian College of Arboriculture. The three-day workshop is available before and after the Annual Conference.
Both the Pre-Conference and Post-Conference Workshop Sessions are currently full. Click here to add your information to our waiting list.
***Registration for the Environmental Design – Basic Tree Anatomy Workshop is separate from your 2022 ASCA Annual Conference registration.
Available Again This Year: On-demand Video Purchase Options
ASCA is excited to share that we will once again be recording all of the educational sessions taking place on Days 1-3 of the conference. As a member benefit, all members who attend in-person will receive complimentary access to the recorded videos after the conference for six months. For those who may not be able to join us in person this year, the education session videos are available for purchase. More details and purchase options can be found here.
Conference App
Stay up to date with all of the conference information and access conference handouts and schedules. Get the most out of the app and have a more productive conference experience!
NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics, even without Wi-Fi or data. Access useful information like ridesharing and local attractions through the Community Board.
NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages.
PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more.
Download the official 2022 ASCA Annual Conference Whova app today!

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