OOWA Annual Conference Newark, USA
Event date:
January 10, 2023 at 9:00 am
Event end:
November 11, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Frequency :-
Once in a year
Event Format :
Event Type :
In-PersonOhio Onsite Wastewater Association USA
Company Name :
Cherry Valley Hotel & Ohio Event Center, Newark, USA
Company Location :
Event Privacy :
Timings :
Time Zone :
The performance of onsite wastewater treatment systems is a national issue of great concern. These systems service nearly 25% of the U.S. population. In Ohio alone, well over 1.2 million systems are currently in use. If these aging systems cease to function properly and begin to discharge untreated or partially treated sewage to the environment, bodies of water can quickly become polluted and health concerns can arise. To help minimize the impact these systems have on the environment, the USEPA, the Ohio EPA and the Ohio Department of Health are focusing on programs and permitting requirements for onsite system design, installation and management.
OOWA has been an active participant in Ohio’s legislative and rule revision processes. We will continue to work with our state association and industry partners to develop statewide treatment strategies that will represent the best interests of our membership. We need to ensure that any adopted regulations promote the use of modern technology that provides onsite treatment options for our contractors and homeowners. With everything that is going on in the onsite wastewater industry, OOWA remains committed to solidifying its role as a leader on a local, state and national level. Now more than ever, OOWA needs to act as the voice of the wastewater professional in Ohio. It’s time that you got involved! Let OOWA know how you feel about the issues and we’ll keep you well informed on changes in the onsite industry. Your input can make a difference.

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